Fur Fighters Wiki

Key Items are items which allow you to progress through the game in some form.

Technically, these items split into "Items" and "Key Items"; regular Items are only available within the level they're obtained while Key Items carry over to other maps and are exclusively for opening new hubs. All items have icons visible in the pause menu while in possession.

This can include gaining access to Hubworlds, Gold Tokens and babies.

Key Items List[]

Hub Level Item Icon Item Item Type Obtained... Used for...
Fur Fighter Village Hub
Ffpc item icon subwaytoken

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon subwaytoken

Viggo's Revenge

Subway Token Key Item at the beginning of the game unlocking New Quack City
Undermill after basics (DC)
New Quack City Hub
Ffpc item icon entrypermit

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon entrypermit

Viggo's Revenge

Entry Permit after saving Gwynth unlocking Beaver Power
World Quack Centre
Ffpc item icon plug

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon plug

Viggo's Revenge

Plug x4 Standard in the pool room flooding the pool, to access open vent
Lower East Quack
Ffpc item icon dime

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon dime

Viggo's Revenge

Dime by winning the Hoops minigame taxi ride across draw bridge
Quackenheim Museum
Ffpc item icon coatstub

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon coatstub

Viggo's Revenge

Coat Stub by dropping wheeled shelf from second floor rescuing Alexander after destroying the Status to Continuous Forms of Uniqueness in Time
Ffpc item icon exhibitionkey

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon exhibitionkey

Viggo's Revenge

Exhibition Key by connecting magnetized meterorites opening the exhibit room, to rescue Xuan
Beaver Power Hub
Ffpc item icon degreeinastrophysics

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon degreeinastrophysics

Viggo's Revenge

Degree in Astrophysics Key Item after saving Juanita unlocking Cape Canardo
Furry Forest (VR only)
Ffvr item icon detonatorhandle
Detonator Handle Standard by lighting all four lanterns to drive the fireflies away from the Boss Beaver blasting a cliff open, to rescue Jenny
Ffvr item icon enginepart
Engine Part x2 by
  • blasting a crate under a boat's propeller
  • turning a boat upright
operating boats,
Compound Factions
Ffpc item icon starterhandle

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon starterhandle

Viggo's Revenge

Starter Handle from the back of the first machine operating the second machine, to rescue Mary
Ffpc item icon setsquare

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon setsquare

Viggo's Revenge

Set Square inside the explosives warehouse getting a Safety Certificate from a Boss Beaver
Ffpc item icon safetycertificate

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon safetycertificate

Viggo's Revenge

Safety Certificate from a Boss Beaver after returning his Set Square getting past the gate to Storage Compound A
God Machine Valley
Ffpc item icon unionpass

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon unionpass

Viggo's Revenge

Union Pass by winning the Arm wrestle minigame halting God of Crushers, to rescue Barrie
Cape Canardo Hub Bull Whip Key Item after saving Claude unlocking Anatat Tatanatat
VAB Building
Ffpc item icon toast

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon toast

Viggo's Revenge

Toast Standard reflecting a beam into the toaster getting past the Security Guard Duck
Ffpc item icon unformattedfloppydisk

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon unformattedfloppydisk

Viggo's Revenge

Unformatted Floppy Disk from the shuttle after docking it onto the transporter formatting it with the supercomputer
Ffpc item icon formattedfloppydisk

DC, PC and iOS

Ffvr item icon formattedfloppydisk

Viggo's Revenge

Formatted Floppy Disk from the supercomputer after formatting opening the transporter cockpit, to rescue Bonnie, Gregory and Jeremy
VLF Facility Four Leafed Clover from the swamp, inside the hydroponic dome encouraging the Astronaut Ducks, to get past the bus gate
Lucky Rabbit's Foot after escaping the shuttle launch after rescuing Sophie
Lucky Elastic Band by destroying the Scientist Duck's invention
Space Station Meer Oxygen Bottle x4
  • inside the snowy hydroponic dome
  • after the hydroponic dome, near Tweek's telepoint
  • under the reactor
  • before the alien room, above the service robot
opening the depressurized room, to rescue Kylie and Edward
Print Out in the telescope room, after looking at the notes opening a sealed room, to rescue Josie
Dinotopolis Hub Fedora Key Item after saving Esmerelda unlocking Anatat Tatanatat
Dinos Upstairs Battery Standard on the Dinos boy's bed after destroying the box with a toy tank having a miniature God of Drilling create a hole into the aquarium, to rescue Esteban
Anatat Tatanatat Jungle of Despair Raft Sail on Robinson's island finishing Robinson's raft, to rescue Howard
Raft Rudder in a water cave near Robinson's island
Fragrant Orchid in the Elephant Graveyard for the Witch Doctor Beetle's potion, to rescue Ling
Ancient Skull within a hidden island temple, where Pippa is located
Beetle x3
  • in the tree house
  • within the hydrogen bomb after giving up Fragrant Orchid and Ancient Skull to the Witch Doctor Beetle
  • under the collapsing bridge
Temple of Gloom Silver Mold past the molding room creating the Silver Key in the molding room
Silver Key from the molding room after placing the Silver Mold opening the silver door to the Temple Maze
Idol within the Temple Maze replacing the Sandbag behind the gold door
Gold Mold creating the Gold Key in the molding room
Gold Key from the molding room after placing the Gold Mold opening the gold door within the Temple Maze
Sandbag behind the gold door within the Temple Maze, after placing the Idol keeping the door to the windy opening, before the silver door, open
Spanner Mold above the crushing ceiling behind the gold door creating the Spanner in the molding room
Spanner from the molding room after placing the Spanner Mold locking the stairs near the start, to create a shortcut
The Bad Place Key to Nowhere from the Bad Beaver after lighting all 4 torches to draw the Imps away opening the Door to Nowhere
Dynamite x2 in Roofus's nightmare, inside buildings
  • blowing up a bridge to stop the first tank
  • blowing up the second tank
Viggo A Gogo H.M.S. Viggolina Stateroom Key at the top of the carrier opening the stateroom, to access Friendly Fire Lock Codes
Friendly Fire Lock Codes inside the stateroom unlocking a cannon to destroy 3 aircraft
The V-100 First Mate's Key before/after winning the Sonar Steering minigame unlocking the safe on the bridge
Captain's Key after winning the Proximity Alert minigame
Torpedo Launch Codes after opening the safe on the bridge launching a torpedo, completing the level
Secret Island stopping the countdown inside the cage

For the category of individual items, including unused ones, go here.
